how to find short in mobile

 If you wanted to repair your mobile then you will have less options to repair it.

I would suggest you to go to a mobile mechanic and then repair your mobile in complicated cases.

But the mobile mechanics are not reliable and they take lot of fees for the small repairs.

in such cases what we have to do is we have to find out the small techniques of mobile repairing.

if you want to become a mobile mechanic then I will give you good suggestions how to check a mobile first.

First and foremost you have to check your battery connection and if any carbon is on the tracks of the battery then you have to remove the carbon on the tracks of the battery.

if you wanted to remove the carbon from the battery terminals then remove the battery outside and then take tweeser or tester and clean it.

Insert the battery again and check your mobile phone is working or not.

In some cases battery might have been discharged and is not up to the mark of charging.

Then you have to boost the battery e until it get the correct charging. 3.7 volt should be there in the battery to switch on your mobile phone.

if you wanted to test the battery voltage then you have to check the multimeter and buy a multimeter from Amazon and I will give you the link in description.

if your new mechanic are if you wanted to learn mechanism then you should know how to use a multimeter and how to set the multimeter.

If you wanted to measure the DC voltage then you have to put 20 volts to test the battery voltage.

if your battery is under 3.7 volts then you how to re boost or recharge the battery by using a booster.

for that purpose you have two options one is you have to purchase a battery booster and other is you have to you take a charger and then cut the leads.

Charger terminals place on the plus point on the plus battery terminal minus point on the minus battery terminal then you have to keep it for 10 minutes are 15 minutes or so then the battery will automatically recharge.

if you don't want to do this please keep process then buy a battery booster then I will give you battery booster description link in the description then keep the plus point in the battery and minus point in the battery attach the minus and plus point battery terminals.

Keep the battery booster red terminal on the Plus point of the battery and black terminal on the minus point of the battery hold it for a 2 minutes.

after boosting the battery you remove the terminals of the battery booster and then go  to mobile phone and place it back your battery and turn on your phone then see your phone is going to be turned on.

if your mobile phone is dead there will be a chance of battery and there will be a chance of software.

Before diagnosing the fault in the mobile phone you have to know how to use a multimeter.

if you know how to use a multimeter then it will become easier to repair your mobile phone.

using multimeter is very easy but you how to set the multimeter in the Bazzer mode. Or beep mode we can say.

When the battery terminals ok tested with the multimeter if they show buzzer or beep then there is a possibility of your mobile phone is short.

If you touch the battery terminals with multimeter leads that is shown in the picture below if your phone is goodif you touch plus terminal with red and minus terminal with black then you have to get some reading around 1200 to 1000 and it will go away when you continue to touch the terminals.

If you reverse the terminals that is black terminal is placed on plus and red terminal is placed on minus if your phone is good then it will give the reading between 300 to 500. 

when you keep the plus terminal in with red and minus terminal with black then your phone is good then  the meter reading should be around 1000 to 2000 come and it will go away.

if you reverse the terminals then the metre reading should be between 300 to 500.if the metre reading is showing continuously between both sides of the battery then your mobile phone is half shorted.

if you want to trace out half shorting in your mobile phone there are some ways one is with the battery charger.

Yes, it's true. If your mobile is half shorted then cut the battery charger and make a leads out of it.

The picture is shown below and you can follow this picture. Just place the plus wire on the Plus terminal of the battery and minus wire on the minus terminal of the mobile phone.

If you don't know the Plus and minus terminals of the battery you can just test it by multimeter. To know plus terminal of the battery just place one lead on one side off the terminals off the mobile phone.

And touch the ground point of of your mobile phone. If you connect with minus terminal then the metre will give you bazzer sound.

If you connect the uh with plus terminal then it will give you some reading between 300 to 500.

Upward phone is half shorted then it won't switch on. It will be in the dead position. Then connect the charger + terminal on the Plus side of battery  point and minus terminal with the minus point of the battery terminal. 

 And touch every part of the mobile phone see which part is getting more heat.if your IC is getting more heat then you have to remove the IC and place a new one. I explained everything with all the pictures . I assume that you can understand how to repair a mobile phone.
